Constructora Salco
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Construction Services

General Contracting

General Contracting

One of the most critical stages of the construction process is the commissioning and closeout.

Construction Consultant

Construction Consultant

One of the most critical stages of the construction process is the commissioning and closeout.

Metal Roofing

Metal Roofing

One of the most critical stages of the construction process is the commissioning and closeout.

House Renovation

House Renovation

One of the most critical stages of the construction process is the commissioning and closeout.

Green Building

Green Building

One of the most critical stages of the construction process is the commissioning and closeout.

10 + Years
Professional Experience
300 People
Employees in team
21 + Locations
Sites in development
What We Provide

Exclusive Services

Designing and Building The Most Beautiful Custom Homes.

Designing and Building The Most Beautiful Custom Homes.

Designing and Building The Most Beautiful Custom Homes.

Designing and Building The Most Beautiful Custom Homes.

Designing and Building The Most Beautiful Custom Homes.

Ready to work together?

You’re looking for a reliable construction partner or you’re looking to take the next step in your career, we want to hear from you!

Build a Project
Ready to work together?

Somos Constructora Salco

Nuestra empresa busca ingresar al mercado local de la zona Lacustre de la Región de la Araucanía entregando un servicio de alta calidad con el fin de satisfacer a nuestros clientes de una manera muy profesional y a mediano plazo posicionarnos como empresa destacada en la zona, por eficiencia y calidad de servicios.

Nuestro enfoque principal está en consolidar nuestra empresa como la más dinámica y reconocida de la zona, poniendo especial cuidado en la excelencia de nuestros servicios, competitiva, de eficiente gestión y altamente comprometida con el medio ambiente.


Para cualquier consulta y/o solicitud de cotización favor tomar contacto con nosotros al número de teléfono: +56 9 67334130 o al correo; con mucho gusto atenderemos su requerimiento.

